What If They Had An Armored Vehicle?

An ambassador of Bulgaria experienced an attack in the capital of Yemen on Saturday of May 12, Reuters said with a reference on the employee of the embassy of one of the western countries.

Three armed attackers approached a car where there were an ambassador of Bulgaria and his wife and ordered both individuals to exit the car, as the interviewee said. When the ambassador refused to follow their orders and made an attempt to drive away from the scene, the offenders started shooting at ambassador’s car.

Broken glass shards from the gunshots damaged diplomat’s face, however the ambassador and his wife successfully escaped and hid in a nearby shop where the policeman arrived shortly.
According to the interviewee, the participants in an attempt to kidnap the diplomat could be either the members of the local tribes who just saw the diplomat’s plates or the representatives of “Al-Qaeda” group who hoped to get the bailout.

In March 2012, the diplomat of the United Arab Emirates was kidnapped on the south of Yemen. The Yemen’s part of “Al-Qaeda” group who organized the kidnapping demanded to liberate the members of this terroristic organization. “Al-Qaeda” group members were in the prison of UAE at that time. Any attempts to discharge the diplomat have failed until nowadays.

If only they had some armored vehicles.

Author: admin

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