INKAS® Armored featured in Canada’s National newspaper

Globe & Mail NewspaperINKAS® Armored has been featured in Canada’s leading newspaper, The Globe And Mail. Our Global Sales Manager, Phillip Daskal was invited to explain his experience in the business of armored vehicles, as well as, INKAS® Armored’s sales overseas.

An excerpt from the News Article:

Bullet casings the size of your pinky finger litter the floor of a small room inside an anonymous brown-brick industrial building in Toronto’s suburbs. A sign in the hall outside reads: “Live Ammunition Test. Do Not Enter.”

A collection of squares of dark-grey steel, about the size of coffee-table books, are scattered on a workbench. Some are punctuated with small, white dents and pockmarks. Others have bullet-sized holes. A pane of inch-thick glass, spider-webbed but not shattered, leans against the wall

This is the stuff of which bulletproof cars are made. On the factory floor down the corridor, the staff of Inkas Armoured Vehicle Manufacturing–one of several low-profile companies in the Toronto area in the business–are stripping apart and retrofitting brand-name SUVs and luxury sedans, mostly bound for overseas customers.

To read more of the article. Click here.

Author: admin

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